Quickly Convert What You Want… Without a Calculator
This is the 21st century and you want to live in previous century…...not possible, so come and enjoy the benefits of this era, place aside your calculator and get help online.
You wanna know about conversion of Thousand to Lakh, One Currency to Another Currency, Numeric Form to Words Form, Base Shift (will change Decimal to Hexadecimal, Binary to Decimal, Hexadecimal to Binary and vice versa) etc…….. ? You may have learned how to convert them all during your elementary school math class, but there’s a good chance you don’t remember how to do that today.
Thankfully, bestconverts shared a simple method for converting among them all that’s in your mind with no need for a calculator. The formula for converting isn’t something most of us can do in our minds, but if you just need a close estimation, bestconverts`s formula suddenly works very well. So let’s go……Here